Private & Cosmetic Dentistry

  • Aesthetic Dentistry
    Teeth whitening, 
    Smile makeovers, Porcelain Veneers, Zirconia & E-max crowns, Bonded restorations, Flexible dentures - ValPlast, Micro abrasion for enamel marks and defects
  • Private Paediatric Dentistry
    use of the Wand computerised dental anaesthesia system, pain-free techniques, high end paediatric restorative care, SDF treatment, Stainless steel and aesthetic crowns, phobic and nervous children, hypnotic techniques, dental trauma management, developmental conditions, hypo mineralised and hypoplastic molars management, Preventive care, Holistic approach, Paediatric Dentist
  • Invisalign, 32co Orthodontics, clear aligners